Wednesday, August 4, 2010


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Evan Hunter"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2:00 PM
> Subject: Crutches
> > Hi,
> > I sprained my ankle skateboarding and I'm interested in the crutches, are they still available?
> >
> > Thank you,
Evan Hunter

======== At 2006-10-05, 08:48:00 you wrote: ========

Evan, yes they are still available.


From: Evan Hunter
To: Mark S.
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Crutches

Hi Mark,

Unfortunately, I bought some before I got this. Thanks though.

Thank you,

Evan Hunter

======== At 2006-10-05, 09:11:00 you wrote: ========

Before you got this? What do you mean by "this"?
I emailed you at least 5 times now, starting with right after you originally emailed me.
Please help me understand here.


----- Original Message -----
From: Evan Hunter
To: Mark S.
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Crutches

Before I got your original email. In other words, I don't need the crutches.

Thank you,

Evan Hunter

======== At 2006-10-05, 11:00:00 you wrote: ========

Oh ok! So you mean between the time you emailed me and the hour later in which I replied, you bought some. OK I think I understand.

So why wouldn't you just tell me so? Why not reply to my 5 or so previous emails? (Don't you think that would be the courteous thing to do?)


----- Original Message -----
From: Evan Hunter
To: Mark S.
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Crutches

I'm extremely busy, and this is my work email address. If you have nothing better to do with your time than shame me for not buying a
pair of crutches then you need a hobby. I figured you would just let it go if I didn't respond, but obviously you won't so I apologize. Hope you can find someone to take those crutches off your hands.

Evan Hunter
======== At 2006-10-05, 17:48:00 you wrote: ========

Hi Evan,

Oh you're extremely busy? Oh!!!!!!!!

Cool, cause that was kinda my point. How come you don't understand that others are extremely busy too? Perhaps you're the only one on the planet that's extremely busy? I think that's what you're trying to say, cause that's the impression I'm getting.

You see, I'M EXTREMELY BUSY TOO. That's why I asked you So why wouldn't you just tell me so? Why not reply to my 5 or so previous emails? (Don't you think that would be the courteous thing to do?)

Maybe you get my point now. Or maybe not. Maybe YOU are the only one on the planet that's extremely busy. I'm just trying to figure it all out.


----- Original Message -----
From: Evan Hunter
To: Mark S.
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Crutches

Dear Mark,

If you're so busy, why waste your time writing 5 emails to someone who didn't respond to your first one? You are wasting your time if you think you can hold everyone on Craig's list accountable. I'm starting to think you have some kind of mental disorder.

Thank you,

Evan Hunter
======== At 2006-11-03, 07:40:00 you wrote: ========

You are welcome to think I have some kind of mental disorder. The fact is, you've still never answered my questions, and you just talk in gibberish.

Before you got "this"? What do you mean by "this"? I emailed you at least 5 times, starting with right after you originally emailed me. Are you simply just a selfish pig? What's the delio? So you mean between the time you emailed me and the hour later in which I replied, you bought some crutches? If so why wouldn't you just tell me so? Why not reply to my 5 or so previous emails? (Don't you think that would be the courteous thing to do?)

Please help me understand here.

----- Original Message -----
From: Evan Hunter
To: Mark S.
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Crutches

I expect that the courteous thing to do would be to leave me alone and stop writing me the same email over and over again. I already received this last week. Were you trying to sell your crutches so you could buy your next fix? You seemed quite desperate. If so, I suppose I can understand why you composed 5 emails in such rapid succession. Please understand that crack cocaine is not a healthy escape from reality. You would be well advised to seek help and learn cope with all the curve balls life throws at you.


Evan Hunter

======== At 2006-12-04, 07:19:00 you wrote: ========

Dear Even,

You keep writing about your "diagnosis" of my supposed mental disorders, and the reasons you guess that I was selling the crutches. Yet the issue at hand is neither of those.
The issue is simply why you would email me and waste my time, for an item that you were never going to buy anyway.

As I've told you many times now (but for some reason it just hasn't sunk in), I responded immediately to your initial email. (see below). Not only was there never a chance of any transaction taking place, but you just ignored all of my emails for quite a long time. Then in addition, instead of just saying "I'm sorry, I'm a rude idiot", your approach was to go on the attack and to try to insult me. I find that highly rude, don't you? Did your mother teach you to behave that way?

Are you by chance in sales over there at Cellularbroad? If so, I wonder if you like "customers" who just jerk you around, waste your time, and never intend to buy anything. I'll bet your top sales boys even have a name for that type of person. (And I bet it's not a very nice word). If you're not in sales over there, could you run this by the sales boys and see what they think about it?


Dear Merk,

You are writing about your "diagnosis" of what my job title is, yet you are making the wrong assumption. My job is to deal with people, who, like yourself, demand compensation for all of the bogus things life has thrown at them. They channel their unhappiness into daily interaction with coworkers and acquaintances, until everyone they know realizes how over the top and neurotic they are, and can't help but to mock them as soon as they leave the room.

It struck me as funny that you called me a rude idiot in the same sentence as you condemned me for insulting you. My mother died of cancer when I was eight years old, so no, she didn't teach me to behave this way. I taught myself how to deal with whiners such as yourself. And that's what you are Mark, you are a whiny little baby. I mean look at the tone of your email. Do you honestly think I care about anything you have to say? Why don't you grow a pair of testicles and get back to me, and then I will see about being polite.

Best regards,

Evan Hunter


======== At 2006-12-14, 03:59:00 you wrote: ========

But again, the issue is simply why you would email me and waste my time, for an item that you were never going to buy anyway. It's a characteristic we see in "Nigerain scammers".

Are you really a scateboarder?



Dear Mark,

Actually, Nigerian scam artists use stolen credit cards to place orders for merchandise they couldn't possibly afford. I know a thing or two about them, trust me. I just sent you an email asking if some crutches were available, and I actually bought some at the pharmacy a couple of hours later because I saw a physician and realized that my foot was broken, not sprained. Having fulfilled my need for crutches, I ignored your 5 or so emails, seeing as I was preoccupied with the goings on of every day life. Had I known it would hurt your feelings this much, I might have responded sooner. Or maybe not, because this is all pretty hilarious to me, being the selfish pig that I am. I'm not sure what a scateboarder is, but I certainly am a skateboarder. I'd send you pictures if I wasn't afraid you were going to find me and come slit my throat a 'la OJ Simpson.


Evan Hunter


======== At 2006-12-14, 10:05:00 you wrote: ========

Dear Evan,

You're not sure what a scateboarder is? Well I'm not sure who Merk is.

Your statement of "I just sent you an email asking if some crutches were available, and I actually bought some at the pharmacy a couple of hours later" is the first thing you've said that comes close to even a little bit of truth, which is all I was asking for when I emailed you.

In your first email to me, had you said "hey dude, so sorry, I bought some before getting a chance to respond to you. Sorry for bothering you", it would have been all over. But you chose to ignore my emails, lie, squirm, be a smartass, etc. It's all pretty lame.

I think in your last email you are trying to say "Yes, you are right, I'm sorry. I emailed you for an item that there was NEVER A CHANCE IN HELL OF ME (you) BUYING, as I bought one before even getting your reply". Is that what you were trying to say Evan? And by the way, my first reply was within an hour of you sending your initial email.

And at this point, after a hundred fucking emails, even if you are saying that, I will still say "ok apology accepted, but you're still a lameass for emailing people regarding items you're not sure you're buying yet".

Now please realize, that if I multiply YOU by 20, because that's the typical % of people that do the same thing as you did (mostly lameass chicks though), then multiply by 3, taking into account Nigerian scammers and PEOPLE HARVESTING EMAIL ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS, AND HOME ADDRESSES, I hope you can appreciate how much time is wasted on replying to emails that GO NOWHERE.


Now just a few words on Nigerian scammers, Evan. Stolen credit cards is the least common scam these days. The most common scam is using fraudulant chasiers checks. But that's besides the point. You can easily check Craigslist for current info on NIgerain scammers.

Most conversations with Nigerian scammers look just like our Evan. The scammer simply goes away (ignores our emails) after realizing that the seller is
not a lameass, divulging all his/her personal info in the 1st email.

Then there are harvesters. They're just harvesting email addresses, phone numbers, and home addresses from sellers. Most conversations with harvesters look just like our Evan. They simply go away (ignore our emails) after harvesting the info that they were seeking.

Are you starting to get the point Evan? Have I made any sense at all? I hope so.


Dear Mark,

I wrote your name as Merk because you called me Even in the previous email (scroll down for proof.) I thought I was pretty polite in my first reply. Please understand that nobody forced you to write me five emails, one was plenty. You're lucky I replied at all, what if I hadn't? Who would be wasting your time writing email after email, me or you? There was a chance of me buying your crutches once upon a time, but that chance slipped right through your fingers, Merk. Wish you could have been a little bit quicker. Me, a smartass? NEVER. I don't think we're quite at a hundred emails, but we can keep going. Oh, and there's no need for profanity, curse words are for people with limited vocabulary, and you seem like a smart enough fellow. Your use of capital letters emphasises your anger toward those that harvest email addresses, please refrain from triangulating your rage toward me. These "lameass chicks," they wouldn't by chance be responding to your personal ads, would they? I sure hope not, you deserve better than that. I concur that it's obnoxious when people jerk you around for no reason, but I honestly think you're blowing this out of proportion. It's not like I was coaxing you by saying, "Yes Mark, I am interested in the crutches, but do you have them in hot pink?" I was pretty transparent and forthcoming in my emails to you. I thought so anyway. Well, happy holidays.

Thank you,

Evan Hunter


======== At 2006-12-15, 07:25:00 you wrote: ========

Uhoh, ok I think you stung me really good this time. I'm kinda paralyzed now. Dunno what to say.

Even nailed me on typos. I'm gonna take a break, regroup, then see if there's anything left after your severe pounding.

My Dearest Mark,

How are you this fine day? Sorry to hear you are paralyzed, not even your crutches can help you now. Looks like you're going to have to find a wheelchair on Craig's list. Hope the person you buy it from is polite ; ) Sorry about calling you out on your spelling, you really should invest in a dictionary if you want to be taken seriously by a skateboarder. It doesn't look like the "C" is anywhere near the "K" on my qwerty keyboard, do you have a different kind? Hope you can muster enough strength to reply.

Thank you,

Evan Hunter



  1. This is so great... I had completely forgotten about ol crutchy! Maybe you could find him on Facebook somehow....
